Helen Brooks

Birth Place: Northampton, England, United Kingdom
Her real name is Rita Bradshaw.

Helen Brooks was born and educated in Northampton, England, where she still lives today with her husband and family. Helen met her husband at the age of 16, and 35 years later, the magic is still there. They have three lovely children, Cara, Faye, and Benjamin, and have always had a menagerie of animals in the house. The children, friends, and pets all keep the house buzzing and the food cupboards empty, but Helen wouldn't have it any other way.
Helen began writing in 1990 as she approached that milestone of a birthday 40! Her first novel was for Harlequin Mills and Boon and was accepted after one rewrite. She has just finished her 38th novel for Harlequin as well as several sagas.
Being a committed Christian and fervent animal lover, Helen finds spare time is always at a premium, but long walks in the countryside with her husband and dogs, meals out followed by the cinema or theater, reading, swimming, and having friends over for dinner are all fitted in somehow. She also enjoys sitting in her wonderfully therapeutic, rambling old garden in the sun with a glass of red wine, (under the guise of resting while thinking of course!)
Since becoming a full-time writer, Helen has found her occupation one of pure joy and often surprised when her characters develop a mind of their own ? but she loves exploring what makes people tick and finds the old adage "truth is stranger than fiction" to be absolutely true. She would love to hear from any readers on both sides of the Atlantic.

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Helen Brooks

Birth Place: Northampton, England, United Kingdom
Her real name is Rita Bradshaw.

Helen Brooks was born and educated in Northampton, England, where she still lives today with her husband and family. Helen met her husband at the age of 16, and 35 years later, the magic is still there. They have three lovely children, Cara, Faye, and Benjamin, and have always had a menagerie of animals in the house. The children, friends, and pets all keep the house buzzing and the food cupboards empty, but Helen wouldn't have it any other way.
Helen began writing in 1990 as she approached that milestone of a birthday 40! Her first novel was for Harlequin Mills and Boon and was accepted after one rewrite. She has just finished her 38th novel for Harlequin as well as several sagas.
Being a committed Christian and fervent animal lover, Helen finds spare time is always at a premium, but long walks in the countryside with her husband and dogs, meals out followed by the cinema or theater, reading, swimming, and having friends over for dinner are all fitted in somehow. She also enjoys sitting in her wonderfully therapeutic, rambling old garden in the sun with a glass of red wine, (under the guise of resting while thinking of course!)
Since becoming a full-time writer, Helen has found her occupation one of pure joy and often surprised when her characters develop a mind of their own ? but she loves exploring what makes people tick and finds the old adage "truth is stranger than fiction" to be absolutely true. She would love to hear from any readers on both sides of the Atlantic.