Reno Lemaire

Gender: Male 
Zodiac: Libra Birth 
Place: Montpellier, France

He started his first project in 2004 and published in france in 2005. he is inspired by many genres like Capcom's videogames, comics and some french and belgian BD. Dreamland is his first manfra (french manga).

He also worked on project Saska for the japanese magazine Morning Jump (Kodansha), in a special volume about foreigners mangaka.

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Reno Lemaire

Gender: Male 
Zodiac: Libra Birth 
Place: Montpellier, France

He started his first project in 2004 and published in france in 2005. he is inspired by many genres like Capcom's videogames, comics and some french and belgian BD. Dreamland is his first manfra (french manga).

He also worked on project Saska for the japanese magazine Morning Jump (Kodansha), in a special volume about foreigners mangaka.