Arngrim makes his first appearance in the manga in chapter 1. He is a grim mercenary, and while as many people fear his strength as they admire it, others simply regard him as a barbarian brute. Lawfer is a good friend to Arngrim and welcomes Arngrim's assistance in the Knighthood, although Arngrim refrains from considering himself one. Arngrim made the mistake of disrespecting the King of Artolia at a ceremony honoring the Knighthood, earning the wrath of the King's stubborn daughter, Princess Jelanda. To avenge her father's pride, Jelanda planned to engage Arngrim in a mercenary job while in the disguise of a peasant, but before she could propose the work she became drunk and passed out. At that point Arngrim discovered her identity and allowed her to sleep it off at his home. That night a hooded woman engaged Arngrim in a job. He was made to team up with Badrach to escort an unknown cargo from Artolia to Villnore. Their journey was cut short by the Artolia calvary, however, who inspect their cargo and find that its the Princess Jelanda. Arngrim and Badrach escape the guard and Badrach explained that the King's adviser, Lombert, was a spy of Villnore and the one who truly hired them. At learning this, Arngrim returned to the road to find that the Princess had been fed a ghoul powder that Lombert had sent along with the calvary, calling it medicine. The Princess was now a demon-beast. Lenneth Valkyrie appeared and together they slayed the monster. Enraged, Arngrim swore revenge on Lombert. Back at the castle, Arngrim confronts Lombert. In Lenneth's presence, Lombert's sorcery is neutralized and Arngrim is able to cut him down. However from the body rose an abomination that the two must also defeat. Two guards enter the room to discover Arngrim's killed a high official and try to arrest the traitor. Arngrim kills them, bloodthirsty, until Lawfer's father the Commander enters. Unable to raise his sword to him, Arngrim instead commits suicide. His soul joins Jelanda and Valkyrie. When Lawfer is made one of the Undead it is Arngrim who defeats him. Arngrim assists Lenneth is most minor battles throughout the manga. He is one of the Einherjar who defeat Hrist so that they may seal the Valkyrie soul in a crystal. In the final chapter, he offers to fight Brahms so that Lenneth may continue on to confront Loki. At this point Brahms remarks that they "have the same fate as their last lives." The evil dragon Bloodbane interrupts their fight, forcing Arngrim and Brahms to join forces and turn their attention on it. At the very end Arngrim is left feeling that he will have to fight Brahms again someday, but for now there is finally peace. Arngrim originated in Valkyrie Profile (Playstation) and also appears in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (Playstation 2).