The Queen of the Kendappa clan, she is also Taishakuten's musician. She always carries her harp with her, and plays beautiful music with it. Her mother was the previous Kendappa-ou, who was so in love with Yasha-ou, and her father was the Eastern General and was killed by Taishakuten in the Holy War. But even so, Kendappa-ou is still extremely loyal to Taishakuten. Kendappa-ou is in love with Souma, and they've been together ever since she found Souma wandering around in a forest. Kendappa-ou took her to her palace, the Gandaraja, and took care of her. In Tsubasa Chronicle Amaterasu is the Shinto sun goddess and the mythical ancestress of the royal family of Japan. In Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle though, she is the Empress of Nihon and is Tomoyo's older sister as well. Amaterasu arrives to Suwa to find Kurogane shaken up over of his mother and father's death, after her sister foresaw this event in dreams. She went to Suwa to put an end to the demons' attack, and tries to stop the young prince of Suwa, but it's her sister who brings him back to his senses. In the Nihon Arc she welcomes the travelers, offering to make a welcome ceremony for them and offering them to stay in the Shirasaki Castle as long as they like. When Seishirou comes she tells them (Syaoran and him) not to fight inside the Castle, then Tomoyo casts a barrier for them to fight inside like the ones from X. After the fight between "Syaoran" and Syaoran Li, she and her sister say goodbye to Kurogane, Fai, and "Syaoran", as they go search for Sakura in Clow. She loves strong people, that is why she is loyal to Taishakuten despite him being the one to kill her father. She is actually one of the Six Stars but chose to be on Taishakuten’s side because of her belief that he is the strongest person in Tenkai. She is actually the eastern Shitennou. She believed that Ashura and the others could not defeat Taishakuten so she rather kill Souma instead than have her die because of Souma trying to avenge her clan. However, Kendappa-ou committed suicide after because she didn’t want to live in a world without Souma. Souma tried to give Kendappa-ou her own blood to grant her immortality but was stopped by Taishakuten. The two’s bodies was laid next to each other. (Source: Nishi's RG Veda Gallery, Tsubasa Chronicle Wikia)