Yuichi Sumida
Sumida is a 15-year-old school kid living a dystopian existence where his parents hope and encourage him to die. His life gets more miserable when his mother decides to run away with her lover. Sumida is left alone to manage the family's languishing boat-rental business. He fights frequently with his father and tends to reject friendly advances of others. Sumida sees his simple dream for an ordinary future rapidly evaporating before his eyes. Real violence enters his life when his drunken father goes too far in taunting him. Sumida kills him and hides the corpse near his boat-rental. Shocked by the crime he has committed and the fact that he will never be able to live the ordinary life he planned for himself, Sumida decides to give himself one year before he commits suicide. He'll spend this year repaying society by killing those who are doing horrible things. Unfortunately, they are not as easy to locate as he thought, and his time is running out.