Ying Bei

Age: 20 Birthday: May 21 Zodiac: Taurus (The author apparently left this up to a poll, but chose Taurus as "his personality was more Taurus.") Blood type: AB Height: 180 cm Weight: 71 kg Favourite Colour: Black Likes: internet, computer games, etc. Identify: Art Major (second year college student) Ying Bei is the main character of Huan Xiang Nu Pu. He often sprouts Japanese words or phrases, certifying that he is an Otaku, He's patient, mild, considerate, the type who will accompany others, kind of a goody-two shoes, sometimes a wallflower, rather passive. (Source: chapter 1; edited)

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Ying Bei

Age: 20 Birthday: May 21 Zodiac: Taurus (The author apparently left this up to a poll, but chose Taurus as "his personality was more Taurus.") Blood type: AB Height: 180 cm Weight: 71 kg Favourite Colour: Black Likes: internet, computer games, etc. Identify: Art Major (second year college student) Ying Bei is the main character of Huan Xiang Nu Pu. He often sprouts Japanese words or phrases, certifying that he is an Otaku, He's patient, mild, considerate, the type who will accompany others, kind of a goody-two shoes, sometimes a wallflower, rather passive. (Source: chapter 1; edited)
