
Avid, also known as "Blood Pirate Avid", is a treasure-hunting vampire. Avid came from the South District to drink the blood of Noh-A, but soon after seeks Jack's blood. Avid bites Jack and briefly controls him using fear, but Jack breaks through the commands and decapitates him. Afterward, Avid is still alive and a black wings sprouts from his eye patch (which has the symbol of a wing on it), flying him away. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Avid, also known as "Blood Pirate Avid", is a treasure-hunting vampire. Avid came from the South District to drink the blood of Noh-A, but soon after seeks Jack's blood. Avid bites Jack and briefly controls him using fear, but Jack breaks through the commands and decapitates him. Afterward, Avid is still alive and a black wings sprouts from his eye patch (which has the symbol of a wing on it), flying him away. (Source: Wikipedia)