Karin Karino
Birthday: April 25 A supposedly plain-looking girl who is a student at Seika Girls' School. In actuallity, she's quite pretty. Karin only looks plain because she wears glasses and doesn't use make-up like other girls. Karin is often called "Four Eyes" ("Glasses-chan" in the Japanese version) because she wears glasses. She has low self-esteem at first; unable to stand up to her so-called friend Yuka and say the things she really wants to say. Her lack of confidence partly stems from her parents' emotional neglect. Karin once wondered if her mother even noticed the minor changes in her appearance (from wearing glasses to contact lens). Everyone she meets, except Kiriya, calls her plain and makes fun of her, causing her to doubt Kiriya and questions his intentions whenever he calls her cute or compliments her. Part of her insecurity with Kiriya stems from the fact he does not share his thoughts and emotions with her, he also doesn't tell her about his family problems. Like Kiriya, she also has a love for photography. She becomes friends with Nanri. (Source: Wikipedia)