Parn grew up in a more or less peaceful village, with the only real concern being a nearby goblin tribe. As a child, he was ostracised by the others, because his father had a black mark against his name (although the details are never discussed), and was killed in a war with the country of Flaim before his name could be restored. Growing up, Parn idolized his father, remembering him as a great man, despite what the others had to say about him and knowing him only as a man of honor. Never knowing the circumstances of his father's fall from grace, he knew his father only as a kind and gentle man with a warrior's spirit. Parn had a best friend by the name of Etoh, who left the village to become a priest of Falis, the Supreme God, a couple of years before the story begins. He was also a good friend with the mayor's daughter, and may have even been childhood sweethearts with her, although this is only implied. (Source: Wesker_CDA)