Youji Tachibana

Age: 23 Birthday: May 27th Height: 185cm Blood Type: O Nationality: Japanese Weapon: スコービオン, ワルサー P38 Hide-out: Various hotels in the city. A freelance hitman like JJ, but apart from their occupation, they are the complete opposite. Comparatively more relaxed and easy-going, he is generally not interested in the affairs of others but he cannot help feeling a closeness with JJ and will call out to him and even point his gun at him whenever there’s an opportunity. Unlike JJ, he finds Azusa a nuisance. Voiced in the game by Chiba Yuuki. source

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Youji Tachibana

Age: 23 Birthday: May 27th Height: 185cm Blood Type: O Nationality: Japanese Weapon: スコービオン, ワルサー P38 Hide-out: Various hotels in the city. A freelance hitman like JJ, but apart from their occupation, they are the complete opposite. Comparatively more relaxed and easy-going, he is generally not interested in the affairs of others but he cannot help feeling a closeness with JJ and will call out to him and even point his gun at him whenever there’s an opportunity. Unlike JJ, he finds Azusa a nuisance. Voiced in the game by Chiba Yuuki. source