Kirius Rakus Lestrine Ha

Age: 19 Birthday: September 26, 15280 (Polyhedron calendar) Affiliation: De Metrio, KISS Ovid: Libertas A De Metrio Ovid pilot whose comrades are Izo and Array. Despite his serious appearance, he has a comical fascination with Earth conventions, from which he draws peculiar conclusions. He applies to work at BWH with Izo and Array at the end of the first season.

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Kirius Rakus Lestrine Ha

Age: 19 Birthday: September 26, 15280 (Polyhedron calendar) Affiliation: De Metrio, KISS Ovid: Libertas A De Metrio Ovid pilot whose comrades are Izo and Array. Despite his serious appearance, he has a comical fascination with Earth conventions, from which he draws peculiar conclusions. He applies to work at BWH with Izo and Array at the end of the first season.
