Jioh Kang
Age:18 Grade: 2nd Year Of High School (Korean System) Occupation: JBL Trainee Just like Hwee Kang, Jioh is an aspiring rock singer. Jioh has been a trainee for years and hasn't debut yet, which makes him insecure. With his insecurity, he often threatens people that he would leave the company but everyone knows he wouldn't. Jioh appears to be very close with Shin Woo and Bum Suk. As HweeKang and Tae Jo arrive to JBL as trainees, he immediately takes a disliking to HweeKang since they're rivals. Though he does get along quite well with Tae Jo and even puts in the most effort to communicate in Japanese with him. One of Jioh's pet peeves is when someone talks about how he hasn't debut yet, especially when Harang throws it in his face. Ever since Jioh was a little boy, he was notorious for his good looks. His neighbors and parents would shower him in compliments, often telling him he was the most handsome boy in the world. Eventually, Jioh's good looks gained him a job as model for a famous fashion designer. Soon after that, he gained many request. Before Jioh went to JBL as a trainee, he already starred in various commercials, dramas, and two movies. One day, Jioh got sick of being a star. Making a huge fuss with his parents and agent to get him out of filming and schedules. Not too long after that, Jioh followed one of his friends to a NOBO-D concert. That was when Jioh saw JJ, the singer for the band, and was inspired to become a singer himself. After eight auditions, Jioh was admitted to JBL. With high confidence in not only his looks but potential talent, it was shattered when he figured out that there were seven other boys just like him. Jioh worked his butt off as a trainee and eventually became the only one left after three years. Jioh was always angry about how HweeKang, a new trainee, was doing a different vocal training regime then him. It is revealed that since Jioh has a "sweet voice" then he was to receive special training. Since Jioh is the only one who hasn't passed puberty then his main focus should be in rhythm, expression, and accuracy. What Jioh fears most out of all things is that Bumsuk and ShinWoo would debut before him and they would be separated. JaeBum reveals that the main reason why Jioh can't debut yet has to do with his looks. Though he has the rocker look, if Jioh were to mess up due to his ignorance with working in a band, then fans would assume the reason why Jioh could even become a star was because of his look instead of focusing on his talent.