Toshio Tamura
Warning: Contains spoilers. Toshio Tamura was a former Grand Prix racer that ended up on an island known as Zombie Island. On this island a man known as "S." and his troops train 100s of selective individuals to become zombie hunters. Toshio and all the others go through rigorous survival training in the jungles of Zombie Island to heighten their survival and combat skills. Toshio excels in the training being one of the few men who passed the training. During the training Toshio loses his left arm and right eye, which are later replaced with cybernetic parts. With his new cybernetic parts Toshio can now see infrared, as well as in the dark, also having more strength in his left arm. After his training Toshio decides to leave the island and not to become a zombie hunter. When he arrives to the airport, he meets up with his sister and girlfriend who haven't heard from him since he went disappearing. One day, when Toshio returns home, his sister and girlfriend are missing and there's some mysterious men in their place. Toshio tortures one to get the location of them, then heads there to find that his sister was murdered, and his girlfriend in now a zombie. After being forced to kill her to save his own life, Toshio returns to the island, and starts his new life as a zombie hunter.