Manga Featuring the Megaman!
In a futuristic world, people that wear mecha armor are known to protect the world from a grave threat. They put their trust in these mechanic suits, and they must be able to fight with them. Follow these determined protagonists as their stories will remind you of Megaman.
Orichalcum Reycal
Shirou Tsunashima
School Shock
Heng Sun
Hiroyuki Takei
Yuusen Shoujo: Plug-in Girl
Kurogane no Linebarrel
Tomohiro Shimoguchi, Eichi Shimizu
Bullet Armors
Guilty Crown
Yousuke Miyagi, Shion Mizuki
Hajime Ueda
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Kazuki Nakashima, Kotarou Mori
Macross Delta Kuroki Tsubasa no Shiro Kishi
Azuki Fuji
Heavy Object
Kazuma Kamachi, Shinsuke Inue