I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die
I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die

I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die

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Supernatural, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Slice of Life, Horror, Tragedy
  • Yuri confessed to Aono, the boy she liked, and they started dating
  • Two weeks later, Aono passed away in a traffic accident
  • As Yuri wants to take her own life, Aono's ghost appears to stop her
I would die if it would allow me to touch you. That is my love. Airhead Yuri-chan and her boyfriend Aono-kun had a perfectly normal relationship until one day Aono-kun suddenly “passed away” … They will never be bound together, and they cannot even touch. This is their difficult and almost too sincere love story.
Umi Shiina
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I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die
I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die

I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die

All Info
Supernatural, Romance, School Life, Seinen, Slice of Life, Horror, Tragedy
  • Yuri confessed to Aono, the boy she liked, and they started dating
  • Two weeks later, Aono passed away in a traffic accident
  • As Yuri wants to take her own life, Aono's ghost appears to stop her
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here:
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