The Reincarnated Sage Lives With His Daughters
The Reincarnated Sage Lives With His Daughters

The Reincarnated Sage Lives With His Daughters

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Fantasy, Drama, Isekai
Meet Kento Oonari, salaryman in hell. Overworked by his bosses, his head surely whirled. He dies, but meets up with a god called Raidel Who tells him that he’ll be sent to a new world. Kento's fairly cautious - he’s read this before. And so, to the god, he begs for one thing: “I just want to live a slow life, nothing more. “Just give me a house and a skill for farming.” So Kento is sent to a medieval age To live a nice, slow life. But what a surprise! The god gave him the powers of a Great Sage! And Kento used magic in front of commoner eyes! In this tale, can Kento find true calm and peace? Or, based on the cover, a harem of lolis?
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