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Action, Fantasy, Drama, Anthropomorphic
- Lonely Sama travels to a strange realm with his toy friend Eddie to find a cure for his dad
- Due to his dad’s condition, Sama trusts a stranger's word to find a Sugar Stone amidst the dangers
- Vast mysteries and histories cover their travel, which they need to reveal before saving his dad
Meet Sama, a 10-year-old boy who is so sad that tears have literally stained his cheeks. Sama's father has had a heart attack, and doctors give him a month to live. With his teddy bear in tow, Sama crawls under his bed and finds a magical portal to a strange realm called Undertown. What is this dark new world? To find out, Sama begins a journey through the depths of Undertown, where he searches for The Sugar Stone, a magical object that might be able to save his dad!