Tantric Stripfighter Trina
Tantric Stripfighter Trina

Tantric Stripfighter Trina

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Action, Ecchi, Adventure, Science Fiction
  • Young and the last of her kind, Trina Devi practices a peculiar, sensual art of fighting
  • As her world falls into chaos, together with her friends, they fight for peace and justice
  • With their goal in mind, Trina fights an evil organization with her sensually tantric martial arts
Tantric Stripfighter Tina fights an evil space federation…by taking off one piece at a time! Young Trina Devi's homeworld Rama was destroyed by mercenaries under government orders. Now the last of her kind, Trina is skilled in Rama's native art of strip fighting: a tantalizing fusion of Shaolin martial arts and Tantric sensuality.
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Tantric Stripfighter Trina
Tantric Stripfighter Trina

Tantric Stripfighter Trina

All Info
Action, Ecchi, Adventure, Science Fiction
  • Young and the last of her kind, Trina Devi practices a peculiar, sensual art of fighting
  • As her world falls into chaos, together with her friends, they fight for peace and justice
  • With their goal in mind, Trina fights an evil organization with her sensually tantric martial arts
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