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Romance, Ecchi, Seinen, Psychological, Drama, Mystery, Horror, Adult, Mature, Tragedy
- People who fail to kill themselves are asked to give consent for government-assisted suicide
- But instead of have their lives ended, they are sent to a deserted island to live on their own
- A story of survival among those who had no desire to live, that ends up creating conflict
Treating non-successful suicidal patients requires a lot of money and resources. With a low budget and an argument about self-respect, a doctor will ask a non-successful suicidal patient if they still want to live on or not. If not, the government will respect their wish. However, the government doesn't just simply kill them...
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Nov 14, 2008 to Aug 26, 2016
Young Animal
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Survive In The Wild - Men vs Nature
Thrilling manga feature stories about people threatened by fatal dangers from the very environment they live in: starvation, dehydration, asphyxiation, sheer power of the natural elements, brutal wildlife attacks, and other environmental circumstances humankind could hardly imagine.
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