Black Jack
Black Jack

Black Jack

All Info
Supernatural, Shounen, Psychological, Drama, Slice of Life, Tragedy
  • Black Jack usually does good surgical deeds on those in need for free and teaches humbleness
  • He chose to not obtain a surgical license and operates in the shadows, free from rules and policies
  • A story of a surgeon traveling, helping and saving people from surgical problems with his assistant
Black Jack is an "unregistered" doctor with a clouded, mysterious past. He works with his little assistant Pinoko (who has a massive crush on the doctor), dealing with medical cases not very well known, which can be strange, dangerous, or not known at all. But he is a genius, and can save almost any of his patients' lives (as long as they have the money for it, that is), and is known to many around the world, especially to those of medicine and science. He's a man of science himself and does not believe much until he has seen it, yet many times he is surprised by love and nature often overpowering the science he bases his life in.
Osamu Tezuka
Other Facts
Nov 19, 1973 to Oct 14, 1983
Shounen Champion
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Black Jack
Black Jack

Black Jack

All Info
Supernatural, Shounen, Psychological, Drama, Slice of Life, Tragedy
  • Black Jack usually does good surgical deeds on those in need for free and teaches humbleness
  • He chose to not obtain a surgical license and operates in the shadows, free from rules and policies
  • A story of a surgeon traveling, helping and saving people from surgical problems with his assistant
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here:
Featured in Collections