All Info
School Life, Shounen, Psychological, Mystery, Horror, Adult, Mature
- Meiri is a 13-year-old girl who lost her family in a fire, and she ends up in Jiaiin girls dormitory
- Jiaiin girls dormitory is a safe place for the orphan girls, as long as they follow two simple rules
- A spine-chilling horror series about a strange orphanage with a gruesome secret that comes at night
Dolls Fall revolves around the lives of students at Jiaiin girls dormitory, an orphanage for middle school children without families. They are greeted with open arms by the matrons and other students, taught to accept their fellow orphans as sisters and the matrons as their mothers. Jiaiin is a safe haven for students, provided that they follow two simple rules: at night, lock your door and don't leave the room, and never enter a matron's room. Break either one of those rules and this series' likeness to Corpse Party becomes evident.
Meiri Chibana
Other Facts
Jun 7, 2013 to Jun 9, 2015
Dragon Age
Where to read
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