Mineko Oukami

Gender: Female
Blood Type: A
Zodiac: Leo

Reason for her Pen-Name: Because she likes wolves and cats.
(ohkami = wolf; neko = cat)

Mangaka she respects: Takahashi Rumiko (author of Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, etc.)

Her favorite music artists are "The Yellow Monkey", "L'arc~en~ciel", and "Hide (from X JAPAN).
Some random things she likes are rock fashions, small tattoo's, ring earings, Harajuku street fashions, crosses, priests, Chinese dresses, army uniforms, maid uniforms, mermaids, Takarazuka, sunflowers, pirates, Assam tea, and pudding.
She also likes and watches alot of anime (old and new) and Power Rangers-type shows.

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Mineko Oukami

Gender: Female
Blood Type: A
Zodiac: Leo

Reason for her Pen-Name: Because she likes wolves and cats.
(ohkami = wolf; neko = cat)

Mangaka she respects: Takahashi Rumiko (author of Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, etc.)

Her favorite music artists are "The Yellow Monkey", "L'arc~en~ciel", and "Hide (from X JAPAN).
Some random things she likes are rock fashions, small tattoo's, ring earings, Harajuku street fashions, crosses, priests, Chinese dresses, army uniforms, maid uniforms, mermaids, Takarazuka, sunflowers, pirates, Assam tea, and pudding.
She also likes and watches alot of anime (old and new) and Power Rangers-type shows.