Hirohiko Araki
Father of renowned Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series which have been running for 30 years, totaling 116 volumes (as of March 2016), circulating over 90 million copies. He is well-known for his distinctive art style, incredibly clever fights, use of strange character poses and genius storytelling.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 1-8
Hirohiko Araki
Henjin Henkutsu Retsuden
Hirohiko Araki, Hirohisa Onikubo
Baoh Raihousha
Hirohiko Araki
Mashounen BT
Hirohiko Araki
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai
Hirohiko Araki
Hirohiko Araki
Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI
Hirohiko Araki
Shikei Shikkouchuu Datsugoku Shinkouchuu
Hirohiko Araki