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Comedy, Romance, Drama, Slice of Life, Yaoi
In this spin-off to Sangen Tonari no Tooi Hito, Mitsuya Kishimoto's bespectacled colleague Shiomi "Shio" Aoyama—popular through his website as Shiomi—frequently participates in IRL catch-ups among bloggers. In one such meeting, Shio gets the opportunity to meet the current idol of the internet world, Miya, who is supposedly a high school girl behind a humorous picture blog. However, much to his surprise, Miya turns out to be neither a teenager nor a girl, but Mutsumi Yamaoka, an adult man of a rather large build who makes kindness abound in any situation with his warm and fuzzy aura. What begins as simple friendship soon begins to confuse Shio, as the two of them spend more time together—and sometimes wake up in the same bed.
Other Facts
May 2009 to Nov 2010
Chara Selection
Where to read
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