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Romance, Ecchi, School Life, Seinen, Psychological, Drama, Adult, Smut, Tragedy
Kanae is a girl who is struggling to fit in with the popular clique at her high school. Because she had been bullied in middle school, she has developed an acute inferiority complex that had led her to engage in compensated dating in order to feel wanted.
In comes Hiroshi, a high-school baseball star who became drawn to her after finding her crying during a group date at a karaoke bar. Thus begins an unhealthy relationship between a mentally unstable high-school girl and a jock.
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Gruesome Crimes
In our modern times, crimes have become prevalent to the point that everybody must be careful when they go out, even when they are at home. The more gruesome the crime is, the heavier criminal's punishment will be. And if there's a witness, then they have no choice but to add them to their list of victims.
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