Sugar Dark
Sugar Dark

Sugar Dark

All Info
Romance, Drama, Slice of Life, Yaoi, Mature
  • Haru, a troubled man, meets Natsuhiko, a baker who shows him kindness and warmth
  • However, he is tied down by Akio, a man who he ran to whenever he felt lonely, but Akio hurts him
  • Haru is conflicted between two different men; one that gives him light, and the other gives him dark
What is love? Akio's love towards Haru is painful and it hurts, but he can't leave him. Haru and Akio's relationship is difficult to describe. Neither friends nor lovers, they only warm up to each other and take in each other's loneliness. As their relationship continues to grow more tainted, Haru meets Natsuhiko, a nice man who is completely opposite of Akio. Haru, having never felt kindness before, is attracted to him, but... A story of love between three men. Included one-shots: Otoko wa Getsuyoubi ni Gomi wo Dasu, Aisubeki Bakadomo no Heiwa na Nichijou Seikatsu
Other Facts
Nov 28, 2012 to May 28, 2013
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here: