Keiyaki no Ki

Keiyaki no Ki

All Info
Seinen, Slice of Life
Keyaki no Ki is a collection of eight stories, selected from nearly two hundred of the great storyteller Ryuchiro Utsumi, these are the solid rock on which Taniguchi builds a deep, complex and mature reflection on daily life in Japanese society that has always been dominated by very strict schemes. Another masterpiece by Taniguchi, an author too huge to not be read. - The Keyaki Tree (欅の木) - The White Rocking Horse (白い木馬) - The Reunion (再会) - My Brother’s Life (兄の暮らし) - The Umbrella (雨傘) - At the Art Gallery (絵画館付近) - Through the Forest (林を抜けて) - His Hometown (彼の故郷)
Other Facts
Apr 24, 1993 to Aug 10, 1993
Big Comic
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here: