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Adventure, Shoujo, Drama, Sci-Fi
One morning, Hiiro’s bus is attacked, and he ends up in the city that is supposed to be sealed: Tokyo. When he arrives, there are people like him, people who have the “red eye”. Known as the Pandora Virus carriers, they believe themselves to be comrades, and find themselves attacked from all sides. The reason for these attacks are hidden in the bodies of Hiiro and his comrades, something to do with their genes.
Hiiro Sakaki
Other Facts
Aug 12, 2011 to Dec 15, 2012
Comic Gene
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Living in the modern world, we have grown very comfortable with our soft beds, warm food, and electronic gadgets that make life easy. But what happens when people face something that will permanently remove these comforts? Whether it's being stranded in a deserted place or being thrown into an world ending apocalypse, these survivors will do what it takes to stay alive. A collection fills with the best of the survival manga genre.
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