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Supernatural, Romance, Ecchi, School Life, Shounen, Psychological, Drama, Mystery, Adult, Mature
After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God.
In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world.
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Nov 4, 2015 to ?
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English Publisher
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The Game for the Brain
A mystery is a mystery if it's hard to solve. Even if there are clues and hints, if there is not enough information, the mystery won't be solved. It could be so that the criminal doesn't want to be discovered, or that he wants to play with the minds of the problem solvers. Get your mind blown by this collection of mystery series!
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