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Comedy, Romance, Shounen, Drama, Sci-Fi
The story starts with two members of the Space Club launching their 21st rocket, Himawari. The club president, Amamiya Ginga, is the son of a hero who does everything with a grin and states that "Nothing's impossible for the members of the Space Club!" after jumping off the school's roof. The protagonist of this story, Hinata Youichi, is a space-lover and knowledgeable about stars, is a less outgoing than Amamiya, still follows the President around, sometimes forcefully.
The story picks up when Hinata sees a shooting star, so he starts going to where it landed. Along the way, he meets up with Amamiya, stating that is wasn't a meteor, but a UFO.
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Apr 22, 2009 to Dec 22, 2010
Gangan Joker
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