All Info
Action, School Life, Seinen, Drama
After a four-year absence, Ishida Kotori (QP) returns to the city where even his face instills fear amongst the locals. Trying desperately to move away from his once violent past and live an honest life, former classmate and now high profile gang member, Azuma Ryou, has other plans for QP's future...
QP: Soul of Violence is written by Takahashi Hiroshi and set within the same universe as his other works, Crows and Worst.
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1999 to ?
Young King OURs GH
Where to read
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Gang Isn't That Scary
Their scowling faces alone sends people running for the hills -- but these gangsters aren’t all scary! Delinquents, ex-yakuza, and biker gangs run the streets here, and among the usual brawls are some hardy laughs. Read on for hilarious gang adventures!
See all 6 titlesTakahashi Hiroshi
Takahashi is known mostly for his delinquent shounen comedy, “Crows,” which has multiple spin-offs and has been adapted to film. His art style is perfectly matched for these school gang stories, as his characters are solidly built and have narrowed eyes with tiny pupils, giving them a rugged look. Full of badass bro-ships and fights for power, Takahashi’s manga are sure to get your blood pumping and have you laughing!
See all 8 titles