Hunter Age
Hunter Age

Hunter Age

All Info
Comedy, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen, Drama
  • A tale of a clueless guy with a mission, a fallen princess and a prodigy trying to save his tribe
  • The trio, burdened by their own history and conflicts, unite in a world plagued with dangers
  • The epic adventure is told in an fantasy world via colorful artworks
A naive youngster, ignorant of the tragedy that happened 16 years ago, travels with the sworn enemy of his tribe; a Princess out on an excursion, due to the internal conflicts within the royal family, has to risk her life and survive in the mountains; A prodigy carrying the hopes of the entire tribe, at this very moment, doesn’t have much time left in this world… The 3 of them meet in a world fraught with dangers, will they be able to free themselves from their accursed fate?
Firepower Panda
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here:
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Hunter Age
Hunter Age

Hunter Age

All Info
Comedy, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen, Drama
  • A tale of a clueless guy with a mission, a fallen princess and a prodigy trying to save his tribe
  • The trio, burdened by their own history and conflicts, unite in a world plagued with dangers
  • The epic adventure is told in an fantasy world via colorful artworks
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here: